From Heaven, or Men?
From heaven, or men? Every now and again the same question filters into my mind, and it is disquieting. I bristle against the tension that pulls me away from what I want to do, when I know it’s not what He wants me to do.
You’ll never hear me say the scriptures are simply moral teachings and philosophies of men. No, for I am more than convinced it is the very word of God written on parchment by men who were moved by the Holy Spirit. Every word.
So why do I sometimes live as if those words are His suggestions, and not His commandments? Why, when it suits me, do I call my dark, light, and rationalize my bad with a wave of the hand and a "I'm only human" flippancy? Why do I excuse my rebellion against the clear instructions of Scripture?
Probably for the same reason the religious leaders in this text struggled with their response to Jesus – they wanted their kingdom, not God’s. Their will, not God’s. Their plans, desires and opinions. Not God’s.
Lord, help me – help us – to mean it when we pray – and to pray it often: “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done.” Amen.