
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

As A Child

My soul will make its boast in the LORD;
The humble will hear it and rejoice. (Psalm 34:2)

Why do some rejoice with you when you speak of the Lord, and others, well . . . .

Perhaps part of the reason has to do with attitude: humility or pride. The humble – those who are willing to recognize their dependency on God – say as King Solomon, “I am a little child. I do not know how to come in or go out (1 Kings 3:3). Others, however, boast in their accomplishments, position, wealth and talents and act more like Pharaoh, who asked, “Who is the Lord (that I should obey Him)?” (Exodus 5:2).

Not much of a surprise, then, that some have little room in their hearts to walk humbly before God.

Please don’t misunderstand my intent here. I'm not picking on Pharaoh or those who take pride in being -- to whatever degree -- rich, famous, or powerful. Pride is a most deceitful emotion. I can’t tell you how often I've acted like Pharaoh without realizing it . . . until much later in the day (or, usually, the week) when the Holy Spirit finally gets my attention.

Say what you want about Solomon, but despite his wealth and power, he had it right. He knew he was as a little child. He admitted to his heavenly Father he didn’t know how to come or go. And he acknowledged where his many gifts originated.

Pharaoh didn’t do any of that. Why should he? After all, he was king of Egypt.

Lord, help me remain mindful of the gifts I receive from your hand. Make me as a child before you, careful to boast only in what You have accomplished in and through me. Amen



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