
Thursday, December 02, 2004

His Embrace. O How Warm It Is.

Jesus knew He was about to die -- and He knew what that meant. He'd seen others crucified, and it wasn’t a pretty picture. Roman soldiers often crucified prisoners along the roads surrounding Jerusalem. Travelers couldn’t help but see men hang helpless between earth and sky as buzzards hovered overhead or swooped to rip a piece of flesh from an arm or face. They couldn’t help but hear their unrelenting groans. If the breeze flowed the right way, they could smell the smell of death.

Jesus knew a cross would soon be in His future. I suspect that's one reason He asked His closest friends – Peter, James and John – to pray for Him.

But instead, they fell asleep.

In the Lord’s most desperate time, His closest friends let Him down. Even after He twice awakened them, they continued their slumber.

Has that ever happened to you? Have closest friends -- or parents, siblings, even your spouse or children – have those closest to you let you down when you needed them the most?

The Lord Jesus understands your heartache and loneliness from His own personal experience. That’s why He can be such a wonderful friend, confidant and shepherd. That’s why He can place His arms around us and draw us into His embrace.

Sometimes, if we are quiet long enough, we can even sense Him doing that. Those times have become very special to me. I hope they become special for you as well.


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