
Tuesday, January 25, 2005

God Hates Us (?)

"And you grumbled in your tents and said, ‘Because God hates us, He has brought us out of the land . . . to destroy us.'" (Deuteronomy 1:27)

The Israelites voiced what many people think when hardship or tragedy strikes. And I am not proud to admit it, but I've thought similarly when life shattered around me. I accused God -- in my mind, if not with my lips -- "This has happened because you hate me."

Well, maybe I don't use such strong language. But I sure am quick to believe He doesn't really care about me.

Have you ever wondered why we are so quick to rail against heaven when Scripture tells us it is the devil who comes to kill, steal and destroy? The Father sent His Son to die for us, to enter human history to give us hope, purpose and abundant life. What more could God do to demonstrate His pressed-down-shaken-together-and-running-over love?

Not until I consistently recognize, in the midst of my ashes, who it is who roams the earth seeking to devour -- not until I recognize the real enemy will I experience the Father's love in fuller measure. God is not the author of capricious disaster. Satan is. The Savior Jesus always stands beside us to comfort, heal and restore.

May God help us recognize the source of tragedy that we might run to our Lord, confidant, lover and savior for protection, mercy and victory.



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