
Sunday, January 09, 2005

Well, it wasn't as hard as I thought ---

This morning my wife and I attended Peninsula Christian Fellowship, a non-demoninational Protestant church in Gig Harbor, WA ( It was our second visit (we recently arrived in WA and have been looking for a church home).

My heart thumped a little louder in my chest as we walked into the sanctuary. I knew what I was about to do, and, honestly, I was nervous. What would people say or think?

We approached the pews and, without fanfare, I bowed my knee to the floor and slid into the pew. I removed my coat, turned and then knelt at my bench and spent a few minutes in prayer.

I'm glad I honored Christ in a way I'd never done before. And I am sorry to Him that I never before bowed in any Protestant church I've attended in the past -- the only exception is Bishop Seabury church in Groton, CT -- an Anglican fellowship Nancy and I were part of for two years (

What a wonderful experience that was -- worshipping God with that Body of believers.

God is holy, holy, holy. The heavens declare his glory and the earth shows forth His handiwork. No Christian would deny that. And He deserves, above all else, our honor, reverence, and praise. He alone is worthy for us to pray, with saints of the past, "Lord Jesus, take my memory, my freedom, my will and my understanding. All that I have and cherish, I place at your feet, to be guided by your will. Your grace and your mercy are wealth enough for me. Give me these, Lord Jesus, and I ask for nothing more."

It's one thing, for me, to raise my hands in worship during a song service. It was something new to bow my knee before the service began.

It will become a habit for me in the future.



  • Hello, my name is Emily I am 15 years old and I saw the article your submitted to the Church of God Evangel magazine. I also attend a church of God. I am on fire for God and truly desire to see more teens realize his unfailing love as I have. I try daily to be salt and light as the bible commmands. I attend a public highschool, which is sometimes difficult. But, I thank God that I can call on him whenever I need him. I just wanted to say thank you for submitting that article to the magazine. My mother receives those in the mail every month, so I saw it. I have many friends dependant on drugs, and I pray that they would see just how much they are hurting themselves for a temporary pleasure. Anyway, I think its a good thing that you wrote to allow parents just a little peek into this world of such evil. So many parents are unwilling to admit that their child is suseptible to things like drugs. That they would even think of such a thing. But, hey it's 2005 and our enemy is on the prowl seeking who he may devour as it say in james I believe. And teens are a prime target. Well, again I say thank you and feel free to e-mail me if you like at or leave a post on my webblog at
    God Bless,

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:45 PM  

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