
Friday, December 31, 2004

What is Our Responsibility?

But now lighten the harsh labor and the heavy yoke...and we will serve you - 1 Kings 12:4

During the years of his building programs, Solomon levied heavy labor and tax burdens on the people of Israel. They were tired and worn out. When he died the people flocked to their new king, hoping for relief. They hoped in vain. Rehoboam turned out to be worse than his father.

But before we judge Rehoboam too quickly, perhaps we might examine our own hearts. Though most of us are not in positions of great authority, we are not free from responsibility to others. People all around us struggle under heavy burdens: Illness. Loneliness. Poverty. The list could fill this page.

How might we lighten their load? That list, too, could fill this page. For example, offering to babysit a child so the harried parent can get away for a few hours would do wonders for a hurting neighbor. Mowing the lawn or doing grocery shopping for a neighbor too ill to get out of bed is another possibility. Cooking a meal, bringing someone to church, supporting with our finances those caught in the throes of disasters, such as the recent tsunami, can also help us fulfill our responsibility to others.

By bearing one another's burdens, we honor Christ. And by lifting a yoke we may even draw someone to serve the Christ we honor.

Father, help me to be Your hand extended to someone in need today.


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