
Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Redemptive Suffering

“The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas, and the magistrates ordered them to be stripped and beaten. After they had been severely flogged, they were thrown into prison, and the jailer was commanded to guard them carefully. Upon receiving such orders, he put them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in the stocks.” (Acts 16)

No normal person likes to suffer. But sometimes suffering can become an opportunity to bear fruit for Christ. Paul and Silas are examples of how Christians can redeem even suffering for the Master.

The political leaders beat the two men and had them tossed into a rat-infested cell. Yet, from the midst of that cell the Christians offered their bruised and bloodied bodies to the will and purpose of God.

What might have happened if they had not? What if they had groused instead of sung God’s praises?

Read the story in Acts 16. For one thing, the jailer and his family would not have heard about God’s promise of forgiveness and eternal life. And what of the other prisoners? Scripture is silent about why they were imprisoned, but it’s likely some faced crucifixion for their crimes. Perhaps that very week they would hang on a splintered cross. But because Paul and Silas redeemed their own suffering by offering it to God, some of those condemned prisoners may have gone to their deaths as new creatures in Christ.

What does this have to do with me and you? We face our own crosses: Sickness, Loneliness, Imprisonment, Broken hearts and trampled faith . . . . And who know what trials might come tomorrow? And yet, if we learn to offer our suffering to the One who never places anything on our shoulders we cannot carry, He will work out His purpose in us and bring redemption to others through our trials.

For the Christian who knows he is deeply loved by the Father, everything – even suffering – is a powerful redemptive tool in the hands of the Master.

Lord Jesus, take my heartache, my loneliness, my despair – I place at your feet all that hurts and makes me bleed. Be glorified through my suffering. Be glorified through my life. If necessary, be glorified even through my death. Amen.


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