Routinely Unfaithful?
The gift didn't surprise me. From all external signs, she and her husband of fifteen years seemed a model Christian couple. They attended worship services each Sunday, served as ushers in their church and sent their two children to Christian school.
A few months after they gave me the gift, her husband discovered she had been routinely unfaithful to him for more than a year.
I know it happens all the time -- people go to church, say the prayers, read the Bible . . . even teach Sunday school classes. But beneath the religious activity lurks a Judas.
Yes. It happens all the time, but what concerns me, what causes me to tremble, is to think it might happen to me, that I might fail miserably in my responsibility to walk in a manner worthy of my calling.
No one walks away from Christ overnight. It's a slow process, a day at a time, a compromise, another excuse, another rationalization . . . and the heart hardens by degrees.
That's one reason I bring myself to the Father every morning -- every morning -- in prayer, study of His word, worship. I do it because, frankly, I know, given the right circumstances, I can deny Him three times, or worse. I could betray Him.
And so can you.
Lord, help us labor without ceasing to remain honest and pure. And holy. Any of us can prove to be routinely unfaithful -- to our Bridegroom.
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