
Wednesday, April 20, 2005

A random thought John 17:19

"For their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth." (John 17:19)

I looked up the word, Sanctify, in my dictionary. It means, "set set apart for God."

Jesus set Himself apart to the Father from His own desires and needs. And He tells us why He did it: so you and I might be set apart for God, too.

Fathers -- may God help us sanctify ourselves, set ourselves apart for God, to avoid even the appearance of sin, that our children might also become set apart for Him.

Moms -- may God help you sanctify yourselves, to avoid even the appearance of sin, so your children will grow in sancticty and dedication to God.

Husbands and wives, may God help us sanctify ourselves, set ourselves fully apart for God, to avoid even the appearance of sin, that our spouses may also be drawn to sanctity.

Church -- may the Holy Spirit help us all to sanctify ourselves, to avoid even the appearance of sin, that the unchurched may desire to be sanctified themselves to the Holy Trinity.



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