
Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Praise the Lord (?)

“Praise the LORD. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!” (Psalm 147:1)

Yes, it is good to praise the Lord. But when life flings us to the ground, our heart often catches in our throat before any words cross our lips. How can anyone praise Him when a spouse ends a marriage? Who can give thanks when the physician says it’s cancer? When any of a thousand things turn our stomach to concrete, most Christians need to be reminded of God’s character -- His nature -- before praise can slip past a broken heart.

Oh, how we need the reminder of His holiness, that He never does wrong, is never unjust, unkind or capricious. We need the reminder that there is never a time He is unaware of our circumstances; never a time He is unable to intervene.

God never misrepresents truth, and so we must hear it again: God passionately loves us, and His love never wavers one hair’s breadth toward any of His children.

Praise is possible, even through heartache. Though personal disaster swoops around us like crazed birds of prey, an intimate understanding of God’s nature can render praise as easy as breathing. When tragedy rips the flesh from our heart, a visceral knowledge that God loves us and knows our limits, makes praise what Christians do best.



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