
Thursday, October 07, 2004

Much More At Stake

“Anyone who . . . does not continue in the teaching of Christ . . . do not take him into your house or welcome him. Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work.”
(2 John 9-11)

The context of this passage refers to people who introduce false teaching into the church. Because of the devastation such heresies can bring to God’s children as well as to society, the Holy Spirit warns us to do more than merely ignore such men and women. God warns us not even to show them hospitality. If we do, He considers us actually partnering with them in their deception and devastation.

I believe there is a Biblical principle here, and it’s related to voting. Anyone who legislates, or approves legislation that is unbiblical, introduces false teaching to citizens in general and to the Church in particular.

If we follow the logic, God considers a Christian who votes to appoint ungodly men and women into leadership positions as participating with them in false teaching.

That scares me.

Which brings us to November. Jobs, the economy and war in Iraq are important issues, and Americans should do their homework to get both sides of the story.

But as a Christian, I cannot ignore God’s warning about participating in the evil deeds of men and women who oppose Biblical morality. In most of the races, those questions are clear. An example is abortion-on-demand. Another is homosexual marriage. We will likely find men and women on the ballot who fall on one side or the other of those issues.

Christians should be careful with whom we participate. There is much more at stake here than the political parties and the news media tell us.



  • Hey Rich

    I greatly admire your spreading the Gospel via the internet, however, I would like to make clear something you just covered.

    The Bble does not say to deny hospitality to sinners, bu to those who actively spread false doctrine. We must extend Christ's love to all sinners, until their presence becomes a danger to the Church in any way, shape, or form. Homosexuals, drug-abusers -- even terrorists -- should be shown the true love of God until they present a danger to our spiritual lives. Then we should say, "Please, we cannot bear to have you attend anymore." or, "I'm sorry we can't have you over to our house for dinner anymore."

    Jesus Christ dwelt among many sinners. It was his decision as to how far he associated himself with those sinners that set him apart.

    By Blogger Reuben, at 2:11 PM  

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